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Jobseeker Supports
Two hands shaking

Jobseeker Supports.

Working with you to find your right Job Fit

You will get help to identify your employment or career goals and develop an employment action plan. You will develop a CV that reflects your skills, experiences and interests. Your job searching will be targeted and you will be helped with interview preparation. We can support you in employment as needed.

Woman smiling during interview

Stage 1

Preparation for Work

  • Getting to know you.

  • Identifying challenges and any support needs.

  • Helping you to identify your skills and abilities

  • Preparing CVs and references

  • Matching your skills to suitable jobs

  • Developing an action plan for job searching

Stage 2

Job Search

  • Providing support to help you look for work.

  • Working together to find a job

  • Helping you to prepare for an interview

  • Helping to agree on the terms and conditions of employment

Stage 3

Employed with Support

  • Training you on the job

  • Developing your work skills

  • Mentoring (if required)

  • Accessing grants

  • Supporting your employer (if required)

  • Helping with any employment-related questions or concerns

Stage 4

Work Independently

  • Needing less support over time

  • Working without support

  • Exit from EmployAbility


​*even after you are exited from our service you can still contact us if you have any problems or questions you need support with.

woman placing hand on another womans shoulder

The role of your Employment Support Specialist

’We provide you with an Employment Support Specialist (ESS) who can support you through each stage of the support process.

Following registration with EmployAbility Wicklow, each JobSeeker is assigned an ESS, who through a series of one to one meetings will assist and support the JobSeeker with career planning, job searching, CV preparation and interview preparation.

The ESS makes contact with employers in order to find the right job fit for each JobSeeker. We don’t solely rely on job advertisements to look for work; we network with employers to look for potential vacancies before they happen.

The ESS provides information and advice on grants / supports available to JobSeekers i.e. Wage Subsidy Scheme and Jobs Plus. On-the-job support and coaching are available when the JobSeeker, ESS or Employer feel it is necessary. All of our staff are fully Garda Vetted.

EmployAbility Wicklow is a person-centred service.

Choose an Employment Support Specialist in Wicklow

If you would like to visit our offices click on the pins on the map to the right to get directions.

Grants For Jobseekers

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